

AMS Is Proud to Be The Exclusive Distributor of The Hemobag® Whole Blood Salvaging Device In The State of Wisconsin.

The Hemobag allows the perfusionist to "complete the circle" in the blood conservation process.

At the end of any cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) procedure, the Hemobag can be used to concentrate the entire CPB circuit volume in a minimal amount of time. This can be done in such a manner that keeps the CPB circuit primed and ready for use in the event emergent reinstitution of CPB is necessary.

The end result of the Hemobag process is concentrated, autologous, whole blood. The hematocrit found in the end product of the Hemobag is comparable to that of a cell saver, but extends the benefit by retaining the plasma, platelets and clotting factors from the CPB blood – unlike the cell saver, which only returns red blood cells. The net impact to the patient should be overall improved hemostasis and reduced blood transfusions in the "golden hour" after cardiopulmonary bypass.

Please contact us for more information, pricing, or to place an order: inquiries@advmedsols.com

We necessitate product demonstrations and training with your facility prior to clinical use of the Hemobag.

To read more about the Hemobag please visit the products homepage at mybloodfirst.com.